Wild Salmon vs Farmed Salmon: Which one is better?

Posted in Food

Salmon is a highly popular and healthy seafood choice for many people around the world but did you know that the salmon commonly sold in supermarkets and stores could be wild or farmed? You can distinguish between wild and farmed salmon by looking at the colour of the flesh. Wild salmon has a brighter, more vibrant colour, while farmed salmon is often a lighter pink or orange. Wild salmon also tends to have a firmer texture.

When it comes to choosing between wild and farmed salmon, which one is better for your health and taste buds? Here’s a closer look at the differences between wild and farmed salmon, and how to choose the best option for yourself.


In general, wild salmon is more expensive than farmed salmon. This is because wild salmon is scarce and caught in the wild which involves fishing costs. On the other hand, farmed salmon is produced on a larger scale in controlled environments and is therefore more readily available and cheaper.


Wild salmon is generally considered to be more nutritious than farmed salmon. Wild salmon is a natural food source that eats other fish, which results in a more diverse diet and a higher concentration of omega-3 fatty acids. In contrast, farmed salmon are typically fed a controlled diet that can result in a lower omega-3 content. Farmed salmon may also contain more contaminants and chemicals due to their diet and living conditions.


Taste is subjective and can vary depending on personal preferences. Wild salmon has a distinct, rich flavour, which comes from the varied and natural diet it consumes. Farmed salmon can have a milder, less complex flavour because of their controlled diet. Some farmed salmon may also have a fishier taste due to the concentrated feed they consume. However, this can vary depending on the specific type of salmon and how it was raised.

So, how do you choose the best salmon for your health and taste buds?

If you prioritize the nutritional value of your salmon, choose wild salmon as it has a higher concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain health, cardiovascular health, and reducing inflammation. Wild salmon is also free from contaminants such as antibiotics, pesticides, and other chemicals.

If you prefer a milder taste and want a more budget-friendly option, farmed salmon might be a better choice. Farmed salmon is more widely available, and its mild flavour makes it a versatile ingredient in many dishes.

Did you know that the most popular salmon in the world, in terms of consumption, is the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)? Atlantic salmon are native to the rivers that flow into the North Atlantic Ocean, and they are farmed in many countries around the world, including Norway, Scotland, Canada, and Chile. Atlantic salmon is prized for its rich, flavourful flesh and is often used in a wide range of culinary applications, including sushi and smoked salmon.

No matter which type of salmon you choose, make sure to buy it fresh from a reliable source, such as at marketplace supermarkets, and consume it regularly to reap its health benefits.

